
What is the Photocatalysis Industry Association of Japan?

Titanium oxide photocatalyst had attracted attention for its various applications such as antifouling, anti-clouding, anti-bacteria, anti-fungus and air and water purification, so active research and development is being carried out in universities, various research institutes and private enterprises. Moreover, as products in which this technology has been applied have begun to be put into practical use in different fields of daily life, construction and civil engineering, considerable expansion of this market is predicted, or rather expected, in the future.

On the other hand, however, further improvement and standardization in quality and performance of photocatalyst materials and their application for products is required. In consideration of this situation, this Industry Association was established to:

  • call for participation of various private enterprises in producing and selling photocatalyst materials and products,
  • grasp problems of the market reflecting the opinions and needs of users, with the approbation and participation of related government ministries and agencies, as well as of corporate users of photocatalyst products in the fields of daily life, construction and civil engineering,
  • perform a variety of activities to solve the above problems by working with the Photo Functionalized Materials Society, and
  • foster a sound market for photocatalyst products and promote them.